The call to worldwide repentance might sound like a fanatical slogan of a typical end-of-days prophet. However, if we consider this call in light of the N-COV pandemic presently sweeping the world, this might just be the only most sensible thing to say nowadays.

This morning, during my time of personal prayer, I felt a very strong sense from the Lord. God seemed to be giving me the conviction deep in my heart that repentance is the key that would trigger an avalanche of grace that would put a stop to the rampage of death brought about by this virus.

I am very convinced that unless nations humble themselves and go down on their knees to beg for God’s mercy and forgiveness, this virus will continue to spread. Perhaps, the only vaccine we need now is repentance.

We want to repent from our arrogance. For thinking that just because of our technological and scientific advances, that we have no more need of God. We have set him aside, in our boardrooms, classrooms, as well as in our bedrooms. We have relegated him to being a bystander in our day-to-day affairs, either neglected or worse, even mocked.

We want to repent from our tendency to worship the creation more than the creator. We have made gods out of our humanity — our technology, wealth, power and fame. We have worshipped rockstars and celebrities, and made them icons befitting our full devotion. We spend more time on our mobile phones than in actual face-to-face conversation with people. We have become slaves to the internet and a prisoner of social media.

We want to repent from our indifference. We have neglected the cries of the poor, even exploiting their poverty just to satisfy our selfish desires.  We have become callous to the calls of environmental activists and we have persisted in our wayward ways of destroying our world.  We have quarantined ourselves from the needs of the rest of the world, concerned only with our own plans and ambitions.

We want to repent from our immorality. We assert that no one should dictate on us what is moral and what is not. We prescribe our own morality and justify our most evil acts in the name of personal freedom. We twist our laws to suit our personal tastes and make human tenets to make legal what would otherwise be shamefully immoral.

The world is racing to find a vaccine to stop the spread of the N-Cov.

Perhaps the vaccine may not be far from us, after all. Look deep in our hearts.

It’s been there all along.


Published by Bobby Quitain

I am a lawyer, an inspirational author, motivational speaker, a law professor and a family man. I have four loves: 1. My God 2. My wife Jeng 3. My four children Robelle, Mara, Franco and Marco My greatest joy, however, is to see people encounter our loving God the way I did years ago. Today, I live in Quezon City, Philippines with my wife and four children.

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