A better translation of the prayer “Our Father”, for me, is “Our Daddy” or “Our Papa”. In Filipino, it is more profoundly beautiful, “Aming Itay”.

Less formal. More intimate. Deeply personal.

You see, that’s who God is to me.

He gives me…

PROVISION – He gives me material, emotional as well as spiritual provision. He provides me, not with what I want, but with what I need.

PROTECTION – He protects me in my comings and my goings. He places a spiritual shield around me to repel attacks on my body, mind and spirit.

PARAMETERS – He gives me parameters in order to keep me on the right track. His commandments are there, not to restrict me, but to give me greater freedom to become the kind of person he wants me to be.

PAMPERING – He pampers me from time to time in order to refresh and inspire me. He speaks to me daily words of encouragement and direction. He affirms me when I do good. He uplifts me when I repent from doing bad. From time to time, he  lavishes me with good things in order to revitalize my soul. 

POSITIONING – He places me in a position where I can grow and reach my full potential. He arranges things in my life in order to place me in a position conducive for me to respond to His will. He opens and closes doors for me according to his most wonderful plan in my life. All I need to do is to trust and obey.

My friend, Somebody up there cares for you. He isn’t an impersonal “force” like the one in “Star Wars”. Neither is he anything near the “genie” of Aladdin.

He is Father. Abba. Daddy. Papa. Tatay.

He is closer than you think.

Published by Bobby Quitain

I am a lawyer, an inspirational author, motivational speaker, a law professor and a family man. I have four loves: 1. My God 2. My wife Jeng 3. My four children Robelle, Mara, Franco and Marco My greatest joy, however, is to see people encounter our loving God the way I did years ago. Today, I live in Quezon City, Philippines with my wife and four children.

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