Storms are there for a purpose. They teach you to anchor deep.

The more you are tossed about by the whiplash of troubles, anchor deep.

The more you are shaken by the smashes of turmoil , anchor deep.

The more you are buffeted by the waves of trials, anchor deep.


Pray daily. Talk to him. Remind yourself of His greatness. Of His power. Of His might. He is bigger than your biggest storm and stronger than your most debilitating weakness. Prayer isn’t for God. Prayer is for you. Praying is not to convince God to do what you want him to do for you but to convince yourself of what God can do for you.

Serve continually. The enemy uses troubles to distract you from doing what God has called you to do. Don’t let him. Serve all the more. Turn the tables on him by letting your troubles motivate you to serve God more than ever before.

Love unceasingly. Challenges try to make you focus on yourself. Your pain. Your burden. Your concern. Love, on the other hand, diverts your focus from yourself and towards others. Their pain. Their burden. Their concern. When you take care of others first, God takes care of you.

My friend, today, let your faith be your anchor. And let God be your rock.

Anchor deep.

Published by Bobby Quitain

I am a lawyer, an inspirational author, motivational speaker, a law professor and a family man. I have four loves: 1. My God 2. My wife Jeng 3. My four children Robelle, Mara, Franco and Marco My greatest joy, however, is to see people encounter our loving God the way I did years ago. Today, I live in Quezon City, Philippines with my wife and four children.

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