We often measure our success by a certain standard?

Our boss’.

Our friends’.

Our world’s.

But these standards constantly vary. They flip-flop as much as the weather changes in a day.

The boss has moods. The friends have tastes. The world has fads.

Unless we know the standard by which we measure what we do, we will constantly be changing our song depending on the music others play.

Early on in my life, I realized that the only standard that I want to live for is that of God’s.

It is constant, unyielding to the ever-changing circumstances of the world.

It is steadfast, unaffected by the will of the majority.

It is just, wise in its assessment of every act I do.

It is perceptive, seeing my heart more than my skill.

It is compassionate, accepting more than judging.

It is loving, perfectly measuring my true worth.

Scripture says:

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” (Colossians 3:23-24)

Focus on doing what’s good and beautiful before God’s eyes. Make sure your heart is in the right place. Offer everything you do for God. Listen even to the advice of other godly people.

But leave the results to God.

Let His smile be your only measure of success.

Nothing more.

Nothing less.

Nothing else.

For in the end, when all is said and done, that’s the only standard that truly matters

Published by Bobby Quitain

I am a lawyer, an inspirational author, motivational speaker, a law professor and a family man. I have four loves: 1. My God 2. My wife Jeng 3. My four children Robelle, Mara, Franco and Marco My greatest joy, however, is to see people encounter our loving God the way I did years ago. Today, I live in Quezon City, Philippines with my wife and four children.

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